Lake Waseosa Ratepayers' Association

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Cottage Closing Tips from FOCA

Check out these top 10 tips from the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA) on seasonal cottage closing:

  1. Leave no valuables at the cottage – electronics, personal items, tools etc. – unless you’re prepared to lose them.

  2. Sporting goods – fishing rods & equipment, water skis, toys etc – if they’re not secured (locked up, hidden or both) don’t expect them to be there next spring.

  3. If you are leaving vehicles, make sure they’re winterized, secure and disabled – for snow machines, remove track and hide keys, ensure boats are covered and locked, outboard motors locked and slightly disassembled. ATVs disabled – leave nothing on trailers unless it is locked or disabled. Remember – “Lock it or Lose it!”

  4. Secure your cottage windows and doors – close window curtains or blinds and put up shutters to protect interior from marauders (animals and human).

  5. Pack up and take home all alcohol.

  6. Do not leave firearms or weapons at the cottage.

  7. Marking your personal items can make it difficult for thieves to resell stolen goods, and will make it easier for your items to be identified and returned if found. Record the serial numbers of anything of value left behind.

  8. Make a list of the property you are leaving at the cottage, and also a list of the property that will return to your cottage on your first or next trip there.

  9. Identify who is your cottage property key holder for alarms, thefts, weather damage or animal problems; their contact info numbers; are they paid to check your cottage regularly or are they friends/neighbours? Your insurance company may give you a deduction if you have one.

  10. Know your local OPP Detachment (1-888-310-1122) that patrols your cottage community.

Additional Cottage Closing Tips: